North East and North Cumbria
ICS Formulary
6 Endocrine system
06-02-01 Thyroid hormones

First Choice
  • 25microgram, 50microgram, 75microgram & 100 microgram tablets
  • 25microgram in 5ml, 50microgram in 5ml & 100microgram in 5ml sugar-free oral solution
Link  MHRA Drug Safety Update (May 2021): Levothyroxine: new prescribing advice for patients who experience symptoms on switching between different levothyroxine products

Green View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF
  • The most cost effective strength/formulation should be used


  • Note: Liothyronine tablets should only be prescribed as per the following guidance:
  • In line with British Thyroid Association (BTA) guidance, where levothyoroxine has failed, liothyronine may be recommended for individual patients after a carefully audited trial of at least 3 months duration of liothyronine.
  • Existing patients should be reveiwed, as appropriate, by an endocrinologist to ensure the continuing need for liothyronine. Patients shouldn't have treatment stopped without review by an endocrinologist. 



Link  NHSE Liothyronine – advice for prescribers
Link  Items which should not routinely be prescribed in primary care

Green plus View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF
Liothyronine Injection


20mcg injection



Link  Items which should not routinely be prescribed in primary care

Red View adult BNF  View SPC online  View childrens BNF