North East and North Cumbria
ICS Formulary
8 Malignant disease and immunosuppression
08-02-04 Interferon beta

Interferon Beta Avonex®
Link  MHRA Drug Safety Update (Oct 2014): risk of thrombotic microangiopathy and risk of nephrotic syndrome
Link  NICE TA527: Beta interferons and glatiramer acetate for treating multiple sclerosis

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Interferon Beta Betaferon®
Link  MHRA Drug Safety Update (Oct 2014): risk of thrombotic microangiopathy and risk of nephrotic syndrome
Link  NICE TA527: Beta interferons and glatiramer acetate for treating multiple sclerosis

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Interferon beta Extavia®
Link  MHRA Drug Safety Update (Oct 2014): risk of thrombotic microangiopathy and risk of nephrotic syndrome
Link  NICE TA527: Beta interferons and glatiramer acetate for treating multiple sclerosis

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Interferon Beta Rebif®
Link  MHRA Drug Safety Update (Oct 2014): risk of thrombotic microangiopathy and risk of nephrotic syndrome
Link  NICE TA527: Beta interferons and glatiramer acetate for treating multiple sclerosis

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Peginterferon Beta-1a Plegridy®

  • Approved treating relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis in adults in line with NICE.

Link  NICE TA624: Peginterferon beta-1a for treating relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis

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