netFormulary NHS
North East and North Cumbria
ICS Formulary

Looking for Buprenorphine found 6 matches

Open monograph to display formulary status BNF Category
  Controlled Drug Buprenorphine Central nervous system - Opioid analgesics - 04.07.02
  Controlled Drug Buprenorphine  (Buvidal®) Central nervous system - Opioid substitution therapy - 04.10.03
  Controlled Drug Buprenorphine 400 microgram, 2mg, and 4mg sublingual tablets Central nervous system - Opioid dependence - 04.10.03
  Controlled Drug Buprenorphine and Naloxone  (Suboxone®) Central nervous system - Opioid dependence - 04.10.03

Linkslink in drug section Link to Drug Section link in subsection Link to document
link in subsection NICE TA114: Methadone and buprenorphine for the management of opioid dependence (04.10.03)
link in drug section NTAG - Buprenorphine prolonged release injection for opioid dependence (04.10.03)

