netFormulary NHS
North East and North Cumbria
ICS Formulary

Looking for Tissue adhesive for epidural catheters found 0 matches, a search for alternative matches has been performed and any results found are shown below.

Possible Matches... BNF Category
Testosterone 1ml injection  (Sustanon® 250) - Formulary Gender dysphoria 06.04.04
Testosterone 1ml injection  (Sustanon 250®) - Formulary Male sex hormones and antagonists 06.04.02
Testosterone Enantate  - Formulary Male sex hormones and antagonists 06.04.02
Testosterone Gel  - Formulary Gender dysphoria 06.04.04
Testosterone Gel  - Formulary Male sex hormones and antagonists 06.04.02
Testosterone undecanoate oily injection  - Formulary Male sex hormones and antagonists 06.04.02